3D Modeling & VRML

Software supplied on the HotMix CD-ROM and the Hot Mix Web Site will run on the Silicon Graphics platform ONLY !!

Please contact the Hot Mix program directly with any questions, this product is not supported by any other group at Silicon Graphics.

3Name3D(tm) - Cyberprops(tm)

3NAME3D is your one-stop virtual architecture department. Our talents have created exciting characters and environments for VRML (you have seen it on HotMix 13 & are looking at in now on HotMix 14), real-time and pre rendered games, LBE, and for film and television. 3NAME3D also offers its virtual prop shop, CYBERPROPS. Medium resolution 3D models in various file formats. There 12 Volumes of over 100 models each, sold for $49.95. Cyberprops may be purchased on-line through 3DSite (http://www.3dsite.com)

Easy Software Products- ESP Print and ESP Modeler

ESP Print provides breakthrough printing capabilities for over 400 printers and does not require IRIS Impressario(tm). ESP Modeler is a low-cost 3D modeling tool for visual simulation and virtual reality object development that supports Open Inventor(tm), VRML, DXF, QuickModel, Renderman, POVRay, and BMRT file formats.

Neurones Animation -Cyberactors and talking heads

Gabby® concept let you animate virtual actors in real time. It gives virtual actors: speech, the dynamics of an animator and the know-how of our entire animation studio.

Radiance Software International - Ez3D 2.0 Series

Ez3d series from Radiance Software is a powerful, easy-to-use suite of 3D authoring tools for the Internet (VRML), pre-press, animation and design. Ez3d offers 3D modeling, texture/material mapping, ray-tracing, real-time scene composition and VRML Web page creation, all in a tightly integrated graphical interface.

Silicon Graphics Computer Systems - Applications Directory

The Silicon Graphics Third-Party Applications Directory is a comprehensive guide to third-party software applications, peripherals, and services available on the Silicon Graphics platform.

Silicon Graphics Computer Systems - Cosmo Create 3D

Cosmo Create 3D is used to create 3D VRML scenes that can be viewed on the World Wide Web. It allows you to create scenes and objects from scratch or to add existing objects and models to a scene.

Silicon Graphics Computer Systems - Cosmo 3D
If you are on Silicon Graphics, click here to see demo

Cosmo 3D is Silicon Graphics' VRML 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK). More specifically, it is a C++ application programming interface (API)designed and optimized to support interactive and real-time 3D graphics applications across a range of platforms from PC's to Workstations.

Cosmo Player
The Cosmos of interactive 3D on the Web is now open to you. Cosmo Player lets you experience engaging VRML 2.0 worlds on your PC without any 3D graphics hardware acceleration. Just install Cosmo Player as a plug-in to your Netscape Navigator and you can access the power of VRML 2.0. Cosmo Player is available for Windows(R) 95, Windows NT and Silicon Graphics.

Silicon Graphics Computer Systems - Innovate On-line

Silicon Graphics is building an interactive community, INNOVATE on-line, where ideas and tools from different perspectives can be shared and used effectively on web sites, interactive cds, videos, multimedia presentations, kiosks, and printed materials. Members will have access to specialized support from Silicon Graphics and its third party partners, see and contribute examples and explanations of innovation in action, and obtain pre-released tools. They can register in the resource talent directory, find people for their virtual development teams, participate in on-line forums and conferences, and obtain special prices on the latest products.

SimGraphics Engineering Corp. - VActor Performer

"Spike" is a very simple VActor that has been modified to run as a Java applet using Silicon Graphics Cosmo 3D library. Spike was animated using SimGraphics' VActor Performer, a complete turn-key system that allows performers, wearing special input devices that track body movements, to animate the motions of complex computer generated characters or objects in real-time.

VRAI - 3D Jam

3D Jam is the only Web-integrated real-time multimedia animation software featuring VR displays, motion capture, MIDI and a friendly graphical user interface.